About Us
The roots of Overland Custom Design are grounded in creative adventuring solutions. Whether it is aftermarket suspension parts, recovery accessories, or modular storage systems, we use innovation to drive our focus and customization to define our approach.
OCD was established in 2013, although the obsession began long before.
It all started with a Jeep. And then it all changed with a 4runner. We have done multiple car builds and where we couldn’t find our own solutions, we learned from the other maniacs like us! Some of our best ideas have come from obsessing- our Toyota sway bar links, our Land Cruiser fab solutions, our platform storage system- we have built a business on compulsive problem solving. We are always looking to innovate; we are always looking to improve.
Thank you for supporting our small business. Your support lets us continue to do what we do!
Our Story
We love the outdoors and we want to express that by advocating its enjoyment and its preservation. We want to help people get out and adventure, but we want people to do it responsibly.
We want to be good and do good. And we want everyone to rec-responsibly.